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// 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例 // myChart = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById('main')); //VUE脚手架模块化全局引入echarts时的写法 myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main')); //引入CDN echarts链接或在VUE脚手架模块化时在当前页面按需导入echarts时的写法
<template> <div class="visitorpie"> <!-- <div id="visitorpie" class style="width: 100%;height:450px;"></div> --> <el-row :gutter="20"> <el-col :span="12"> <el-card class="box-card"> <div slot="header" class="clearfix"> <span>隐患</span> </div> <div class="text item"> <div id="yinhuanid" class style="width: 100%;height:26vw;"></div> </div> </el-card> </el-col> <el-col :span="12"> <el-card class="box-card"> <div slot="header" class="clearfix"> <span>缺陷</span> </div> <div class="text item"> <div id="quexianid" class style="width: 100%;height:26vw;"></div> </div> </el-card> </el-col> <el-col :span="12"> <el-card class="box-card"> <div slot="header" class="clearfix"> <span>故障</span> </div> <div class="text item"> <div id="visitorpie" class style="width: 100%;height:26vw;"></div> </div> </el-card> </el-col> <el-col :span="12"> <el-card class="box-card"> <div slot="header" class="clearfix"> <span>巡视</span> </div> <div class="text item"> <div id="xunshiid" class style="width: 100%;height:26vw;"></div> </div> </el-card> </el-col> <el-col :span="12"> <el-card class="box-card"> <div slot="header" class="clearfix"> <span>在线监测</span> </div> <div class="text item"> <div id="zaixianjianceid" class style="width: 100%;height:26vw;"></div> </div> </el-card> </el-col> <el-col :span="12"> <el-card class="box-card"> <div slot="header" class="clearfix"> <span>海缆监测</span> </div> <div class="text item"> <div id="hailanjianceid" class style="width: 100%;height:26vw;"></div> </div> </el-card> </el-col> <el-col :span="12"> <el-card class="box-card"> <div slot="header" class="clearfix"> <span>检修</span> </div> <div class="text item"> <div id="jianxiuid" class style="width: 100%;height:26vw;"></div> </div> </el-card> </el-col> <el-col :span="12"> <el-card class="box-card"> <div slot="header" class="clearfix"> <span>带电监测</span> </div> <div class="text item"> <div id="daidianjianceid" class style="width: 100%;height:26vw;"></div> </div> </el-card> </el-col> </el-row> </div> </template> <script> var myChart; var myChart1; var myChart2; var myChart4; var myChart5; var myChart6; var myChart7; var myChart8; // import echarts from "echarts/lib/echarts"; // // 引入柱状图 // import "echarts/lib/chart/pie"; // import "echarts/lib/component/title"; // import "echarts/lib/component/legend"; // import "echarts/lib/chart/bar"; // import "echarts/lib/component/legend"; // import "echarts/lib/component/title"; // import "echarts/lib/component/tooltip"; export default { data() { return { windowWidth: document.documentElement.clientWidth, //实时屏幕宽度 windowHeight: document.documentElement.clientHeight, //实时屏幕高度 guzhangfenlei: {}, yinhuan: {}, quexian: {}, xunshi: {}, zaixianjiance: {}, hailanjiance: {}, jianxiu: {}, daidianjiance: {} }; }, mounted() { let that = this; this.indexAjax(); window.onresize = () => { return (() => { myChart1.resize(); myChart.resize(); myChart2.resize(); myChart4.resize(); myChart5.resize(); myChart6.resize(); myChart7.resize(); myChart8.resize(); })(); }; }, methods: { // 模拟接口赋值图表数据 indexAjax() { // 赋值故障分类 this.guzhangfenlei.name = "巡视类别"; this.guzhangfenlei.name2 = "巡视范围"; this.guzhangfenlei.targer = [ "外破故障", "本体高阻故障", "本体低阻故障", "接头故障", "其他故障" ]; this.guzhangfenlei.neidata = [ { value: 20, name: "外破故障" }, { value: 30, name: "本体高阻故障" }, { value: 40, name: "本体低阻故障" }, { value: 50, name: "接头故障" }, { value: 60, name: "其他故障" } ]; this.guzhangfenlei.waidata = [ { value: 3, name: "非常严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#f6130c" } }, { value: 4, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#c53f16" } }, { value: 3, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#982f0f" } }, { value: 5, name: "小", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#611f0a" } }, { value: 5, name: "几乎没有", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#441507" } }, { value: 5, name: "非常严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#1a79da" } }, { value: 6, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#135aa2" } }, { value: 8, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#0e4277" } }, { value: 4, name: "小", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#09294a" } }, { value: 7, name: "几乎没有", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#04111f" } }, { value: 8, name: "非常严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#43b7d2" } }, { value: 9, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#389ab1" } }, { value: 7, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#297182" } }, { value: 6, name: "小", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#1b4b56" } }, { value: 10, name: "几乎没有", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#0f292f" } }, { value: 11, name: "非常严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#da8e2f" } }, { value: 8, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#b17325" } }, { value: 9, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#7b501a" } }, { value: 10, name: "小", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#5a3a12" } }, { value: 12, name: "几乎没有", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#3a250b" } }, { value: 12, name: "非常严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#5ff5d2" } }, { value: 13, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#4dc5a9" } }, { value: 10, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#3e9883" } }, { value: 11, name: "小", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#2b695b" } }, { value: 14, name: "几乎没有", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#173a32" } } ]; this.twoBar( this.guzhangfenlei.name, this.guzhangfenlei.name2, this.guzhangfenlei.neidata, this.guzhangfenlei.waidata, "visitorpie", this.guzhangfenlei.targer ); // 隐患赋值 this.yinhuan.name = "告警分类"; this.yinhuan.name2 = "隐患级别"; this.yinhuan.targer = [ "火灾隐患", "外破隐患", "有害气体隐患", "过热隐患", "附属设备隐患", "水灾隐患" ]; this.yinhuan.neidata = [ { value: 21, name: "火灾隐患" }, { value: 17, name: "外破隐患" }, { value: 15, name: "有害气体隐患" }, { value: 20, name: "过热隐患" }, { value: 13, name: "附属设备隐患" }, { value: 14, name: "水灾隐患" } ]; this.yinhuan.waidata = [ { value: 8, name: "危急", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#ea3e19" } }, { value: 7, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#a72d13" } }, { value: 6, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#801f0a" } }, { value: 4, name: "危急", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#7ec0e0" } }, { value: 5, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#4e7d94" } }, { value: 8, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#1a2f3a" } }, { value: 6, name: "危急", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#4cd9e0" } }, { value: 4, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#3aa1a7" } }, { value: 5, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#20595d" } }, { value: 4, name: "危急", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#dc8f1c" } }, { value: 7, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#b57516" } }, { value: 9, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#7b4f0d" } }, { value: 7, name: "危急", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#61eabe" } }, { value: 4, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#52bf9c" } }, { value: 2, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#39866d" } }, { value: 6, name: "危急", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#b1d6cc" } }, { value: 5, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#809a93" } }, { value: 3, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#4d5d58" } } ]; this.twoBar( this.yinhuan.name, this.yinhuan.name2, this.yinhuan.neidata, this.yinhuan.waidata, "yinhuanid", this.yinhuan.targer ); // 缺陷赋值 this.quexian.name = "分类"; this.quexian.name2 = "缺陷等级"; this.quexian.targer = ["电缆设备缺陷", "通道设备缺陷"]; this.quexian.neidata = [ { value: 25, name: "电缆设备缺陷" }, { value: 20, name: "通道设备缺陷" } ]; this.quexian.waidata = [ { value: 13, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#e24c2a" } }, { value: 8, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#b53c21" } }, { value: 4, name: "危急", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#842c18" } }, { value: 12, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#737ace" } }, { value: 5, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#4a4f84" } }, { value: 3, name: "危急", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#272a46" } } ]; this.twoBar( this.quexian.name, this.quexian.name2, this.quexian.neidata, this.quexian.waidata, "quexianid", this.quexian.targer ); // 巡视赋值 this.xunshi.name = "巡视类别"; this.xunshi.name2 = "巡视范围"; this.xunshi.targer = [ "周期巡视", "专项巡视", "特殊巡视", "保电特巡", "现场许可", "基建投产", "临时巡视" ]; this.xunshi.neidata = [ { value: 60, name: "周期巡视" }, { value: 55, name: "专项巡视" }, { value: 50, name: "特殊巡视" }, { value: 45, name: "保电特巡" }, { value: 40, name: "现场许可" }, { value: 35, name: "基建投产" }, { value: 30, name: "临时巡视" } ]; this.xunshi.waidata = [ { value: 25, name: "电缆巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#f6130c" } }, { value: 20, name: "通道内巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#b70f09" } }, { value: 15, name: "通道外巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#902f0b" } }, { value: 22, name: "电缆巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#3f51b5" } }, { value: 18, name: "通道内巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#2a3573" } }, { value: 15, name: "通道外巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#171d3e" } }, { value: 20, name: "电缆巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#5ed2d8" } }, { value: 13, name: "通道内巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#43989c" } }, { value: 17, name: "通道外巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#295c5f" } }, { value: 16, name: "电缆巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#dc5e05" } }, { value: 14, name: "通道内巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#b74f06" } }, { value: 15, name: "通道外巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#793505" } }, { value: 12, name: "电缆巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#11ecce" } }, { value: 13, name: "通道内巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#10b7a0" } }, { value: 15, name: "通道外巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#0b8473" } }, { value: 15, name: "电缆巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#aae4ae" } }, { value: 12, name: "通道内巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#94c597" } }, { value: 8, name: "通道外巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#6f9271" } }, { value: 13, name: "电缆巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#eac554" } }, { value: 10, name: "通道内巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#c7a847" } }, { value: 7, name: "通道外巡视", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#8c7631" } } ]; this.twoBar( this.xunshi.name, this.xunshi.name2, this.xunshi.neidata, this.xunshi.waidata, "xunshiid", this.xunshi.targer ); // 在线监测 this.zaixianjiance.name = "监测设备"; this.zaixianjiance.name2 = "监测状况"; this.zaixianjiance.targer = ["本体", "通道", "环境", "安防"]; this.zaixianjiance.neidata = [ { value: 20, name: "本体" }, { value: 15, name: "通道" }, { value: 13, name: "环境" }, { value: 12, name: "安防" } ]; this.zaixianjiance.waidata = [ { value: 5, name: "故障告警", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#e2350e" } }, { value: 9, name: "正常运行", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#b12a0b" } }, { value: 6, name: "设备离线", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#7d1d07" } }, { value: 5, name: "故障告警", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#67a0da" } }, { value: 6, name: "正常运行", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#436588" } }, { value: 4, name: "设备离线", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#223344" } }, { value: 5, name: "故障告警", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#44b8bd" } }, { value: 6, name: "正常运行", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#2b7c80" } }, { value: 2, name: "设备离线", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#164042" } }, { value: 4, name: "故障告警", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#d49729" } }, { value: 5, name: "正常运行", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#986c1c" } }, { value: 3, name: "设备离线", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#4e3810" } } ]; this.twoBar( this.zaixianjiance.name, this.zaixianjiance.name2, this.zaixianjiance.neidata, this.zaixianjiance.waidata, "zaixianjianceid", this.zaixianjiance.targer ); // 海缆监测 this.hailanjiance.name = "告警分类"; this.hailanjiance.name2 = "告警级别"; this.hailanjiance.targer = [ "检修线路1", "检修线路2", "检修线路3", "检修线路4", "检修线路5" ]; this.hailanjiance.neidata = [ { value: 12, name: "绝对温度超标" }, { value: 6, name: "相对温度超标" }, { value: 13, name: "绝对应变超标" }, { value: 9, name: "相对应变超标" }, { value: 15, name: "绝对扰动幅值超标" }, { value: 18, name: "相对扰动幅值超标" }, { value: 8, name: "绝对短时能量超标" }, { value: 6, name: "相对短时能量超标" }, { value: 10, name: "海缆运行电流超过实时载流量" } ]; this.hailanjiance.waidata = [ { value: 4, name: "预警", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#ea3e19" } }, { value: 5, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#a72d13" } }, { value: 3, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#801f0a" } }, { value: 2, name: "预警", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#7ec0e0" } }, { value: 3, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#4e7d94" } }, { value: 1, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#1a2f3a" } }, { value: 4, name: "预警", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#4cd9e0" } }, { value: 6, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#3aa1a7" } }, { value: 3, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#20595d" } }, { value: 4, name: "预警", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#dc8f1c" } }, { value: 3, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#b57516" } }, { value: 2, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#7b4f0d" } }, { value: 5, name: "预警", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#61eabe" } }, { value: 4, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#52bf9c" } }, { value: 6, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#39866d" } }, { value: 7, name: "预警", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#b1d6cc" } }, { value: 6, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#809a93" } }, { value: 5, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#4d5d58" } }, { value: 4, name: "预警", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#e8b72c" } }, { value: 3, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#af891f" } }, { value: 1, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#6b5413" } }, { value: 3, name: "预警", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#d6a45b" } }, { value: 2, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#987440" } }, { value: 1, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#584427" } }, { value: 3, name: "预警", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#819ca9" } }, { value: 2, name: "一般", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#637782" } }, { value: 5, name: "严重", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#51636d" } } ]; this.twoBar( this.hailanjiance.name, this.hailanjiance.name2, this.hailanjiance.neidata, this.hailanjiance.waidata, "hailanjianceid", this.hailanjiance.targer ); // 检修 this.jianxiu.name = "告警分类"; this.jianxiu.name2 = "已解决问题数"; this.jianxiu.targer = [ "检修线路1", "检修线路2", "检修线路3", "检修线路4", "检修线路5" ]; this.jianxiu.neidata = [ { value: 15, name: "检修线路1" }, { value: 30, name: "检修线路2" }, { value: 26, name: "检修线路3" }, { value: 25, name: "检修线路4" }, { value: 22, name: "检修线路5" } ]; this.jianxiu.waidata = [ { value: 8, name: "缺陷", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#ea3e19" } }, { value: 7, name: "隐患", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#a72d13" } }, { value: 14, name: "缺陷", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#0d7ebf" } }, { value: 16, name: "隐患", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#0d3248" } }, { value: 14, name: "缺陷", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#89acea" } }, { value: 12, name: "隐患", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#6c88b9" } }, { value: 17, name: "缺陷", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#bd7123" } }, { value: 8, name: "隐患", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#673d13" } }, { value: 9, name: "缺陷", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#44d0e6" } }, { value: 13, name: "隐患", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#3aabbd" } } ]; this.twoBar( this.jianxiu.name, this.jianxiu.name2, this.jianxiu.neidata, this.jianxiu.waidata, "jianxiuid", this.jianxiu.targer ); // 带电监测 this.daidianjiance.name = "告警分类"; this.daidianjiance.name2 = "检测结果"; this.daidianjiance.targer = [ "红外热成像", "带电检测", "高频局放", "超高频局放", "超声波局放", "电缆环流测量" ]; this.daidianjiance.neidata = [ { value: 15, name: "红外热成像" }, { value: 30, name: "带电检测" }, { value: 26, name: "高频局放" }, { value: 25, name: "超高频局放" }, { value: 22, name: "超声波局放" }, { value: 15, name: "电缆环流测量" } ]; this.daidianjiance.waidata = [ { value: 6, name: "正常", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#ea3e19" } }, { value: 4, name: "注意", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#a72d13" } }, { value: 3, name: "缺陷", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#801f0a" } }, { value: 2, name: "隐患", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#690b07" } }, { value: 10, name: "正常", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#89acea" } }, { value: 8, name: "注意", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#6c88b9" } }, { value: 5, name: "缺陷", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#4b6084" } }, { value: 7, name: "隐患", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#2a364a" } }, { value: 9, name: "正常", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#44d0e6" } }, { value: 7, name: "注意", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#3aabbd" } }, { value: 6, name: "缺陷", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#2a7b88" } }, { value: 4, name: "隐患", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#18474e" } }, { value: 8, name: "正常", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#de9528" } }, { value: 7, name: "注意", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#b77b21" } }, { value: 6, name: "缺陷", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#7d5417" } }, { value: 4, name: "隐患", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#4e350f" } }, { value: 7, name: "正常", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#57e4d1" } }, { value: 5, name: "注意", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#4cc5b5" } }, { value: 4, name: "缺陷", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#3b9a8e" } }, { value: 6, name: "隐患", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#296961" } }, { value: 5, name: "正常", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#97cbce" } }, { value: 5, name: "注意", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#769ea0" } }, { value: 3, name: "缺陷", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#4b6465" } }, { value: 2, name: "隐患", itemStyle: { color: 1 > 2 ? "red" : "#3e5050" } } ]; this.twoBar( this.daidianjiance.name, this.daidianjiance.name2, this.daidianjiance.neidata, this.daidianjiance.waidata, "daidianjianceid", this.daidianjiance.targer ); }, twoBar(name, name2, nei, wai, id, targer) { if (id == "visitorpie") { myChart = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById(id)); } if (id == "yinhuanid") { myChart1 = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById(id)); } if (id == "quexianid") { myChart2 = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById(id)); } if (id == "xunshiid") { myChart4 = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById(id)); } if (id == "zaixianjianceid") { myChart5 = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById(id)); } if (id == "hailanjianceid") { myChart6 = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById(id)); } if (id == "jianxiuid") { myChart7 = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById(id)); } if (id == "daidianjianceid") { myChart8 = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById(id)); } // myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById(id)); const option = { tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: '{a} <br/>{b}: {c} ({d}%)' }, legend: { orient: 'vertical', left: 10, data: targer }, series: [ { name: name, type: 'pie', selectedMode: 'single', radius: [0, '30%'], label: { position: 'inner' }, labelLine: { show: false }, data: nei }, { name: name2, type: 'pie', radius: ['40%', '55%'], label: { formatter: '{a|{a}}{abg|}\n{hr|}\n {b|{b}:}{c} {per|{d}%} ', backgroundColor: '#eee', borderColor: '#aaa', borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 4, // shadowBlur:3, // shadowOffsetX: 2, // shadowOffsetY: 2, // shadowColor: '#999', // padding: [0, 7], rich: { a: { color: '#999', lineHeight: 22, align: 'center' }, // abg: { // backgroundColor: '#333', // width: '100%', // align: 'right', // height: 22, // borderRadius: [4, 4, 0, 0] // }, hr: { borderColor: '#aaa', width: '100%', borderWidth: 0.5, height: 0 }, b: { fontSize: 16, lineHeight: 33 }, per: { color: '#eee', backgroundColor: '#334455', padding: [2, 4], borderRadius: 2 } } }, data: wai } ] }; 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